Monday, June 28, 2010

Update from the Liberated:)

(Written last night.)

Well Ann and Jeff left yesterday and Corey and Bridgette left today so we're all alone in Costa Rica! Not really. We've made some wonderful friends here. We had such a wonderful time with everyone. We went to dinner and a movie with Esteban and Yalena this evening and had a very adventurous taxi ride back to the hotel.
I am feeling great. I am really tired, but I think that's pretty normal for being past 11 PM. I had physical therapy today and they are really working on strenthening my abductor muscle in my left leg. The physical therapist is wonderful. Wish I could bring her home with me!!! My balance is amazing, but inside my head I still feel a little unbalanced. It's kind of difficult to explain, but I think it might have something to do with the blood thinners (I have to give myself 2 shots a day in the stomach for 30 days). But i do feel like my head is clearer than it has been in SO long. I feel like there is no fog in my brain and I love it. I fell NORMAL!!!!
At this point, I feel liberated and I want to go home to my babies. I miss them terribly. Everyone else here is staying 2 weeks and they're shocked that I'm going home on Wednesday. I just can't stand to be away from them any longer. I am so thankful to all the wonderful people that have helped with them, especially my sister Brynn and my Aunt Callie.
It's overwhelming when I begin to think about all the people who have made it possible for me to be here. It is extremely humbling. I owe them so much more than I could ever give.
This country is so beautiful and it has been so fun to experience the culture of these wonderful people.
I have physical therapy at 1 PM today and then an appointment at the hospital with Dr. Fallas at 4:30 this afternoon. And then, 24 hours after that, I get to see my babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then I will feel whole again.
Love you all! Pura Vida!

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